Like everyone else who is hitting the workouts harder and starting to run a bit more to get in shape, your probably feeling the pain. Sore muscle are usually a good sign if you've been working out for awhile. The soreness is caused by tiny tears in the muscles, which the body repairs and makes stronger.
This post workout pain is felt as a general dull pain. However if you haven't been working out, you have probably strained your muscles to the point of a specific ache and have some tenderness. As we get older, we feel these pains a bit more. Here are some ideas to help prevent and heal sore muscles.
Stretching - Make sure you stretch each muscle group for at least 60 seconds before and after your workout. Stretching is one of the most underrated parts of sports and workouts. It's a must if you want to stay active.
Anti-Inflammatory - Take an anti-inflammatory such as Inflamo after your workout to help with the pain and inflammation.
Hydrate - Make sure to drink plenty of water prior to you workout. Your body needs the water to help deliver oxygen to you muscles and helps with clear toxic build up -so you don't cramp. You may also try a sports drink, such as Vitalyte, to replenish the body's electrolytes.
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Electrolytes Help Build Your Arms
Assuming you decide that you will train your arms by themselves, remember to set three distinct exercises in three distinct repeat ranges. Also make sure that your bicep workout emphasises different repeats and set schemes, which strain the muscle fibres with intensities of different magnitudes and maximum recruitment.
Make sure that your triceps and biceps get worked. Simply pressing and curling large weights is far from enough for a successful bicep workout, as too many other muscles like the shoulders and back might compensate and perform a large amount of the routine's work instead of the biceps. Swinging weights and cheating are not all there is to a successful bicep workout.
Another thing that one must keep in mind during your workouts is not to overtrain one's arms by using them in every workout. Furthermore, one should not undervalue the stimulation the arm muscles get from focussing on the other major muscle groups. A good test to find out if your workout has been successful is to watch out for soreness in the arms the following day. Be careful about overdoing the cheating techniques during the bicep workout, as the exercises will not work as efficiently as they might and it might not seem like you've even had them trained, the following day.
There is a stress to replace the fluids present within the body due to the fact that a bicep workout causes a large amount of heat, consequently causing an equally large amount of sweat. Obviously, the more a one sweats, the more fluids and other electrolytes are removed from one's body. It is essential for one to restore these fluids along restore electrolytes in order to sustain the balance kept in the body and avoid any damage during the bicep workout.
Make sure that your triceps and biceps get worked. Simply pressing and curling large weights is far from enough for a successful bicep workout, as too many other muscles like the shoulders and back might compensate and perform a large amount of the routine's work instead of the biceps. Swinging weights and cheating are not all there is to a successful bicep workout.
Another thing that one must keep in mind during your workouts is not to overtrain one's arms by using them in every workout. Furthermore, one should not undervalue the stimulation the arm muscles get from focussing on the other major muscle groups. A good test to find out if your workout has been successful is to watch out for soreness in the arms the following day. Be careful about overdoing the cheating techniques during the bicep workout, as the exercises will not work as efficiently as they might and it might not seem like you've even had them trained, the following day.
There is a stress to replace the fluids present within the body due to the fact that a bicep workout causes a large amount of heat, consequently causing an equally large amount of sweat. Obviously, the more a one sweats, the more fluids and other electrolytes are removed from one's body. It is essential for one to restore these fluids along restore electrolytes in order to sustain the balance kept in the body and avoid any damage during the bicep workout.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Don't Let Dehydration Stop Your Running!
Running in the heat accelerates dehydration. That?s why you need to take precautions to avoid both dehydration and heat stroke. Acclimating to the heat for about two weeks is recommended for runners.
Water and electrolytes are lost through sweat and need to be replaced. Essential body salts, such as sodium, potassium, and phosphate need to be replaced. This can be done with a good electrolyte drink mix. Since you'll be more hydrated, your running performance will be improved. It's important to replace sodium during long runs.
Sodium helps the body to retain fluid and potassium is essential for muscle and nerve function. The body needs a balance of these to function properly. If you have too much or too little sodium it could seriously affect your performance. You could cause problems with your nervous system if you have too much or too little potassium.
An electrolyte drink, such as Vitalyte, that is balanced will improve a runner's performance. Drinking enough water and taking in enough sodium will help give runners the edge they need to succeed.
Water and electrolytes are lost through sweat and need to be replaced. Essential body salts, such as sodium, potassium, and phosphate need to be replaced. This can be done with a good electrolyte drink mix. Since you'll be more hydrated, your running performance will be improved. It's important to replace sodium during long runs.
Sodium helps the body to retain fluid and potassium is essential for muscle and nerve function. The body needs a balance of these to function properly. If you have too much or too little sodium it could seriously affect your performance. You could cause problems with your nervous system if you have too much or too little potassium.
An electrolyte drink, such as Vitalyte, that is balanced will improve a runner's performance. Drinking enough water and taking in enough sodium will help give runners the edge they need to succeed.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Improve Memory and Intelligence with Electrolytes
You work your heart and muscles to improve their condition and tone. You want to have a low resting heart rate and slow deep breathing, all the time. Exercise helps everyone definitely. There is nothing better you can do to depression than regular exercise. But it is also very desirable to directly train the nervous system to function efficiently and effectively. Anyone can become healthier.
When you need to exercise your brain it does not mean soduku and crossword puzzles. For almost all, the stimulation is not the big issue. The problem is insufficient capacity for relaxing the nervous system. Not mean the kind of relaxation you get after physical exhaustion or a few shots of tequila. The formation of the relaxation response.
The methods I describe below are permanent benefits for a wide range of issues. Many involve biological monitoring and biofeedback. Biofeedback interactive media training with a view of their physiological responses. It's like an exercise with mirror inside body. The ability of a nerve to fire depends on the presence of electrolytes - minerals such as potassium, sodium, magnesium chloride and dissolved in water. They are called electrolytes to signify their role in the conduction of electricity in the human body. If you have very little sodium and potassium in your diet, the imbalance can slow down the ability to drive signals from neurons.
When you need to exercise your brain it does not mean soduku and crossword puzzles. For almost all, the stimulation is not the big issue. The problem is insufficient capacity for relaxing the nervous system. Not mean the kind of relaxation you get after physical exhaustion or a few shots of tequila. The formation of the relaxation response.
The methods I describe below are permanent benefits for a wide range of issues. Many involve biological monitoring and biofeedback. Biofeedback interactive media training with a view of their physiological responses. It's like an exercise with mirror inside body. The ability of a nerve to fire depends on the presence of electrolytes - minerals such as potassium, sodium, magnesium chloride and dissolved in water. They are called electrolytes to signify their role in the conduction of electricity in the human body. If you have very little sodium and potassium in your diet, the imbalance can slow down the ability to drive signals from neurons.
Replace Electrolytes You Sweat Out
For most of us who perform regular workouts, sweating is not an uncommon phenomenon. In fact, it is the evidence of our hard work and it signals growth. Through sweating, our bodies cause us to lose water and other essential electrolytes to prevent the body from overheating. Sweat glands soak water from the blood vessels and transfer it to the skin with some salts. These droplets of water evaporate taking away some bit of energy from the skin in the form of heat. Scientific research has proven that we could lose as much as three liters of water from our skin during one hour of a heavy workout session!
Well there's nothing to be afraid of, but you must assure that your body receives enough liquid before, during and after exercises. To keep a good check on your water levels, weigh yourself just before the workout session and immediately after it. Deduct the amount of water that you take during the session. You must have 16 ounces of water to replenish the amount of water loss for each pound. For example, if you lose 3 pounds of weight during the session, you must drink at least 48 ounces of water. Another good way to assure that your body is properly hydrated is through the color of your urine. A lemonade-like color of your urine indicates that the body is well hydrated while a darker tone indicates water requirement. .
In order to ensure optimum water levels, you must consume water 15 minutes before you start your workout session. After every 20 minutes of exercise, try to gulp at least 8 ounces of water. Water is the best hydrating agent during your exercises but a sports drink can help you as well. Sport drinks not only replenish the water content but also contain electrolytes such as sodium and potassium, which address necessary salt needs
Well there's nothing to be afraid of, but you must assure that your body receives enough liquid before, during and after exercises. To keep a good check on your water levels, weigh yourself just before the workout session and immediately after it. Deduct the amount of water that you take during the session. You must have 16 ounces of water to replenish the amount of water loss for each pound. For example, if you lose 3 pounds of weight during the session, you must drink at least 48 ounces of water. Another good way to assure that your body is properly hydrated is through the color of your urine. A lemonade-like color of your urine indicates that the body is well hydrated while a darker tone indicates water requirement. .
In order to ensure optimum water levels, you must consume water 15 minutes before you start your workout session. After every 20 minutes of exercise, try to gulp at least 8 ounces of water. Water is the best hydrating agent during your exercises but a sports drink can help you as well. Sport drinks not only replenish the water content but also contain electrolytes such as sodium and potassium, which address necessary salt needs
Friday, October 15, 2010
Human Batteries Need Electrolytes and Salt
Salt is an essential nutrient for everyone and is vital to attaining optimum health, so why has the media and the mainstream regarded it as the devil of the dinner table for so long?
Our cells all contain salt. We sweat salt. Our tears contain salt. Our blood is salty. If we don't eat salt, where will it come from?
The question should not be "Do we need salt". We absolutely do. We cannot live without it. The questions should be "What kind of salts are good and bad for us?".
Generic table salt is indeed the devil of the dinner table and should be avoided as much as possible because it is highly refined and processed resulting in pure sodium.chloride and nothing else; no trace minerals, nothing. This is toxic and harmful.
99% of the world's research on salt is done on commercial table salt. This is the only salt they know of. They think all salt is the same - but they're wrong. You can't function without salt. You can't digest food without salt. Your heart can't function. Your adrenal glands can't function. Your liver can't function Your kidneys can't function.
If salt was so bad, why do they feed intravenous saline solutions in hospital patients? They do that because the body runs on salt. Without salt, we run out of electrolytes. Without electrolytes, our human batteries die out.
A salt-free diet speeds up aging. Your cells must be bathed in a sodium-based, extracellular fluid. When the cells are not in this fluid, they will explode. This has been proven biologically. The cells of a mammal deprived of sodium literally explode.
Our cells all contain salt. We sweat salt. Our tears contain salt. Our blood is salty. If we don't eat salt, where will it come from?
The question should not be "Do we need salt". We absolutely do. We cannot live without it. The questions should be "What kind of salts are good and bad for us?".
Generic table salt is indeed the devil of the dinner table and should be avoided as much as possible because it is highly refined and processed resulting in pure sodium.chloride and nothing else; no trace minerals, nothing. This is toxic and harmful.
99% of the world's research on salt is done on commercial table salt. This is the only salt they know of. They think all salt is the same - but they're wrong. You can't function without salt. You can't digest food without salt. Your heart can't function. Your adrenal glands can't function. Your liver can't function Your kidneys can't function.
If salt was so bad, why do they feed intravenous saline solutions in hospital patients? They do that because the body runs on salt. Without salt, we run out of electrolytes. Without electrolytes, our human batteries die out.
A salt-free diet speeds up aging. Your cells must be bathed in a sodium-based, extracellular fluid. When the cells are not in this fluid, they will explode. This has been proven biologically. The cells of a mammal deprived of sodium literally explode.
Overcoming Stress With Electrolytes
Courtesy of Dr Borkin:
"Dr. Michael Borkin, NMD is a pioneer in hormone and electrolyte research. He specializes in hormone and electrolyte testing and balancing.
His evaluation of hormones levels in patients provides an in-depth snap shot of the health level and disease processes. These tests and the unique balancing programs created by the trained doctors and lab technicians are incredibly valuable for individuals who have used anabolic steroids, HGH (human growth hormone), insulin, testosterone and progesterone without understanding the importance of exact supplementation in response to test results. Gross dosing without testing has caused many people to be biochemically and hormonally out of balance.
Dr. Michael Borkin is also one of the creators of the science of bio-identical hormones and transdermal (through the skin) creams. Unique creams are created for each patient to restore hormonal homeostasis. The creams are made up of hormones, hormone precursors, nutrients, homeopathics, herbs and electrolytes. Specific electrolyte and nutrient rich supplements help balance each patient's bio-chemistry in all their cells, including the brain.
Dr. Borkin invested many years in treating the "Who's Who" of Hollywood and Las Vegas. After studying so many people who violate the health laws and natural circadian cycle (24-hour light and dark cycle), that stay up all night and sleep during the day, he became the leading expert on the three stages of adrenal exhaustion and the terrible consequences of a stressful life.
As we all know, stress kills. Some of the most famous actors, stars and athletes are his patients. They keep his name as a jealously guarded secret so he will personally have time to work with them. They want to take advantage of his knowledge and research so he can create and monitor their special balancing programs. They are desperate to look younger, have more energy, feel their best and perform at optimal levels.
Dr. Borkin has developed a 24-hour test of the flood of hormones throughout the entire body, every 4 hours. A patient starts collecting their saliva at 8 AM. They take a sample every 4 hours until 4 AM the next morning. By studying the levels of bio-active hormones and electrolytes available in saliva, doctors learn a great deal about the health and disease processes going on inside their patients' cells."
"Dr. Michael Borkin, NMD is a pioneer in hormone and electrolyte research. He specializes in hormone and electrolyte testing and balancing.
His evaluation of hormones levels in patients provides an in-depth snap shot of the health level and disease processes. These tests and the unique balancing programs created by the trained doctors and lab technicians are incredibly valuable for individuals who have used anabolic steroids, HGH (human growth hormone), insulin, testosterone and progesterone without understanding the importance of exact supplementation in response to test results. Gross dosing without testing has caused many people to be biochemically and hormonally out of balance.
Dr. Michael Borkin is also one of the creators of the science of bio-identical hormones and transdermal (through the skin) creams. Unique creams are created for each patient to restore hormonal homeostasis. The creams are made up of hormones, hormone precursors, nutrients, homeopathics, herbs and electrolytes. Specific electrolyte and nutrient rich supplements help balance each patient's bio-chemistry in all their cells, including the brain.
Dr. Borkin invested many years in treating the "Who's Who" of Hollywood and Las Vegas. After studying so many people who violate the health laws and natural circadian cycle (24-hour light and dark cycle), that stay up all night and sleep during the day, he became the leading expert on the three stages of adrenal exhaustion and the terrible consequences of a stressful life.
As we all know, stress kills. Some of the most famous actors, stars and athletes are his patients. They keep his name as a jealously guarded secret so he will personally have time to work with them. They want to take advantage of his knowledge and research so he can create and monitor their special balancing programs. They are desperate to look younger, have more energy, feel their best and perform at optimal levels.
Dr. Borkin has developed a 24-hour test of the flood of hormones throughout the entire body, every 4 hours. A patient starts collecting their saliva at 8 AM. They take a sample every 4 hours until 4 AM the next morning. By studying the levels of bio-active hormones and electrolytes available in saliva, doctors learn a great deal about the health and disease processes going on inside their patients' cells."
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Electrolytes Help Cure Headaches
The first thing you have to identify is what triggered your headache, and then you will be able to find the best headache medication for it. Common causes of headaches include stress, dehydration, and tension.
Stress, being unavoidable factor in the modern life, is the number one cause of headaches. The remedies for these types of headaches include finding a solution to the problem, taking headache medication found in the drug store and trying to relax by a long bath followed by a good night's sleep. Exercise and massage can also successfully relieve stress.
Dehydration is another common cause of headaches, which can transform into migraines if not treated right away with plenty of liquids as the first and foremost step. Depending on the level of dehydration you may have water or electrolytes enriched drinks such as Vitalyte. Headache medicine when dehydrated should only be administered with plenty of liquids and something to eat as you may also feel nausea if you take the medication on an empty stomach.
There are also tension headaches and migraines that can happen on a regular basis because of a medical condition you may have and for which you are taking medications already; in that case you need to consult a doctor for headache medication that does not interfere with the drugs you are taking and will not worsen your present health state.
Stress, being unavoidable factor in the modern life, is the number one cause of headaches. The remedies for these types of headaches include finding a solution to the problem, taking headache medication found in the drug store and trying to relax by a long bath followed by a good night's sleep. Exercise and massage can also successfully relieve stress.
Dehydration is another common cause of headaches, which can transform into migraines if not treated right away with plenty of liquids as the first and foremost step. Depending on the level of dehydration you may have water or electrolytes enriched drinks such as Vitalyte. Headache medicine when dehydrated should only be administered with plenty of liquids and something to eat as you may also feel nausea if you take the medication on an empty stomach.
There are also tension headaches and migraines that can happen on a regular basis because of a medical condition you may have and for which you are taking medications already; in that case you need to consult a doctor for headache medication that does not interfere with the drugs you are taking and will not worsen your present health state.
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Drinking and Electrolytes
This isn't intended to be medical advice as you should know your own body and know your own limits. With that being said, here are some helpful suggestions for ways to aid you in the future:
- Drink a small bottle of water in between each alcoholic beverage while you're out. This works two-fold: Slows down your intake and dilutes what is already in your system.
- Take two tylenol tablets before going to sleep. But, use this cure sparingly as it can result in kidney damage when taken in heavy doses over long periods.
- Take a high strength B-vitamin supplement. The vitamin will involve a little more planning as it should be taken beforeyou go to sleep but taken immediately when you wake can also help as well. It works because B-vitamins are essential in assisting the carbohydrate (alcohol) metabolizing process and in expanding blood vessels. That should help regenerate your energy level.
- Before going to sleep or when you wake up, down a drink containing electrolytes. Electrolytes will replenish what the kidneys have excreted during drinking which will made you feel much better. Vitalyte is the most ideal drink, but don't forget about the drink made for children - Pedialyte. some people think it's even more effective than standard sports drinks.
- Drink a small bottle of water in between each alcoholic beverage while you're out. This works two-fold: Slows down your intake and dilutes what is already in your system.
- Take two tylenol tablets before going to sleep. But, use this cure sparingly as it can result in kidney damage when taken in heavy doses over long periods.
- Take a high strength B-vitamin supplement. The vitamin will involve a little more planning as it should be taken beforeyou go to sleep but taken immediately when you wake can also help as well. It works because B-vitamins are essential in assisting the carbohydrate (alcohol) metabolizing process and in expanding blood vessels. That should help regenerate your energy level.
- Before going to sleep or when you wake up, down a drink containing electrolytes. Electrolytes will replenish what the kidneys have excreted during drinking which will made you feel much better. Vitalyte is the most ideal drink, but don't forget about the drink made for children - Pedialyte. some people think it's even more effective than standard sports drinks.
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Stop Night Cramps! Drink More Electrolytes!
Everyone experiences muscle cramps from time to time due to intense pain and an inability to use the affected leg muscles. It can occur at the front of the thigh (quadriceps), back of the thigh (hamstrings) and the lower legs or calves (gastrocnemius). A cramp can last from a few seconds to 15 minutes or longer, and can possibly recur several times before it goes away. But have you ever experienced waking up in the middle of the night with a sudden painful cramp in your leg? Is it so painful that it can even make you cry? This condition is referred to as night leg cramps. Night leg cramps are contractions of the leg muscles, usually in the back of the lower leg or calf. They usually occur just as you're about to fall asleep, or when you are about to wake up.
When this happens, the leg muscles remain painfully tight and contracted. Experts say that the exact cause of night leg cramps is unknown but they believe that it may be due to the body's abnormal processing of electrolytes. Electrolytes such as salt and minerals are essential elements and chemical substances that your body needs for basic muscle functions. Other factors include inadequate stretching and muscle fatigue. Electrolytes stop leg cramps.
Calcium deficiency is also one of the common causes of leg cramps at night especially among women. If you are post-menopausal, trying to lose weight, or don't consume enough calcium, you are susceptible to night leg cramps. To alleviate leg cramps, experts advise the increase calcium consumption. This can also prevent other problems associated with calcium deficiency like osteoporosis. When taken regularly, calcium supplements may help relieve the pain caused by leg cramps.
When this happens, the leg muscles remain painfully tight and contracted. Experts say that the exact cause of night leg cramps is unknown but they believe that it may be due to the body's abnormal processing of electrolytes. Electrolytes such as salt and minerals are essential elements and chemical substances that your body needs for basic muscle functions. Other factors include inadequate stretching and muscle fatigue. Electrolytes stop leg cramps.
Calcium deficiency is also one of the common causes of leg cramps at night especially among women. If you are post-menopausal, trying to lose weight, or don't consume enough calcium, you are susceptible to night leg cramps. To alleviate leg cramps, experts advise the increase calcium consumption. This can also prevent other problems associated with calcium deficiency like osteoporosis. When taken regularly, calcium supplements may help relieve the pain caused by leg cramps.
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Electrolytes for Your Hangover Cure
It is possible that "What happens in Las Vegas, stays in Las Vegas" but after a great night of clubbing your second night in town, your hangover may just keep you from having a good time for the rest of your weekend! Is it possible to eleviate one completely? Some say yes. Keep in mind if you don't drink very often at home, don't think you can handle partying like a superstar when you get to Vegas and not pay the price.
So what is the definition of a hangover? Many people might say they recognize it when they get one! Hangovers change from person to person, and can lead to a severe headache to a full blown vomit fest and feeling of "blah". Actual hangover symptoms are headaches, redness of the eyes, increased sensitivity to light and sound, muscle aches, thirst and fatigue.
Truly, a hangover is the outcome of your body being dehydrated, and still a little withdrawal from all of the recent alcohol in your blood stream. The answer to your dehydration and a hangover cure? Electrolyte Replenishment.
So what is the definition of a hangover? Many people might say they recognize it when they get one! Hangovers change from person to person, and can lead to a severe headache to a full blown vomit fest and feeling of "blah". Actual hangover symptoms are headaches, redness of the eyes, increased sensitivity to light and sound, muscle aches, thirst and fatigue.
Truly, a hangover is the outcome of your body being dehydrated, and still a little withdrawal from all of the recent alcohol in your blood stream. The answer to your dehydration and a hangover cure? Electrolyte Replenishment.
Friday, October 1, 2010
Replace Electrolytes to Cure Food Poisoning
Food poisoning is an illness caused by eating foods that have harmful organisms in them. These harmful germs can include bacteria, parasites, and viruses. They are mostly found in raw meat, chicken, fish, and eggs, but can spread to any type of food. They can also grow on food that is left out on counters or outdoors or is stored too long before you eat it.
When you eat or drink something that is contaminated with toxic bacteria, you may experience diarrhoea, abdominal cramps, nausea or vomiting within 24-48 hours. Typically these symptoms go away in a day or two. In most cases, the condition is not serious and will get better once your immune system gets the better of the infection.
Drink plenty of water. If you're suffering from vomiting or diarrhea, you're losing a lot of fluid. You'll need to replace this to avoid dehydration. Plain tap water should be enough - you can dechlorinate it by leaving your glass for an hour, the chlorine will evaporate.
The food is prepared. When someone who has germs on his or her hands touches the food, or if the food touches other food that has germs on it, the germs can spread. For example, if you use the same cutting board for chopping vegetables and preparing raw meat, germs from the raw meat can get on the vegetables.
Replace electrolytes. If you're losing a lot of nutrients through dehydration, you can buy an electrolyte solution from a pharmacy to replace them. This should improve recovery time.
Always wash your hands before and after preparing foods. Never serve cooked meat on the same plate or tray that you had it on when raw - make sure the resident BBQ expert is given a clean plate to place the finished product on. Also thoroughly clean knives and cutting boards.
When you eat or drink something that is contaminated with toxic bacteria, you may experience diarrhoea, abdominal cramps, nausea or vomiting within 24-48 hours. Typically these symptoms go away in a day or two. In most cases, the condition is not serious and will get better once your immune system gets the better of the infection.
Drink plenty of water. If you're suffering from vomiting or diarrhea, you're losing a lot of fluid. You'll need to replace this to avoid dehydration. Plain tap water should be enough - you can dechlorinate it by leaving your glass for an hour, the chlorine will evaporate.
The food is prepared. When someone who has germs on his or her hands touches the food, or if the food touches other food that has germs on it, the germs can spread. For example, if you use the same cutting board for chopping vegetables and preparing raw meat, germs from the raw meat can get on the vegetables.
Replace electrolytes. If you're losing a lot of nutrients through dehydration, you can buy an electrolyte solution from a pharmacy to replace them. This should improve recovery time.
Always wash your hands before and after preparing foods. Never serve cooked meat on the same plate or tray that you had it on when raw - make sure the resident BBQ expert is given a clean plate to place the finished product on. Also thoroughly clean knives and cutting boards.
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