Saturday, October 30, 2010

Electrolytes Help Build Your Arms

Assuming you decide that you will train your arms by themselves, remember to set three distinct exercises in three distinct repeat ranges. Also make sure that your bicep workout emphasises different repeats and set schemes, which strain the muscle fibres with intensities of different magnitudes and maximum recruitment.

Make sure that your triceps and biceps get worked. Simply pressing and curling large weights is far from enough for a successful bicep workout, as too many other muscles like the shoulders and back might compensate and perform a large amount of the routine's work instead of the biceps. Swinging weights and cheating are not all there is to a successful bicep workout.

Another thing that one must keep in mind during your workouts is not to overtrain one's arms by using them in every workout. Furthermore, one should not undervalue the stimulation the arm muscles get from focussing on the other major muscle groups. A good test to find out if your workout has been successful is to watch out for soreness in the arms the following day. Be careful about overdoing the cheating techniques during the bicep workout, as the exercises will not work as efficiently as they might and it might not seem like you've even had them trained, the following day.

There is a stress to replace the fluids present within the body due to the fact that a bicep workout causes a large amount of heat, consequently causing an equally large amount of sweat. Obviously, the more a one sweats, the more fluids and other electrolytes are removed from one's body. It is essential for one to restore these fluids along restore electrolytes in order to sustain the balance kept in the body and avoid any damage during the bicep workout.

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