A Variety of Color and Flavor Choices
If you think that the color of a sports drink does not make a difference, spend a few minutes at the snack bar at a Little League field. Children, and many adults, find the color choice very important. Color can invoke a mood such as a cool blue color giving the feel of thirst quenching mountain water or a hot red color invoking the image of energy. It may be psychological, but it is still important.
Those who drink sports drinks also have taste preferences, and with the variety of sports drinks offered today, there is a choice for every taste.
They Don't "Run Through" a Body as Quickly as Water
Water may quench thirst, but it doesn't replenish any of the lost electrolytes, carbohydrates, vitamins or minerals that sports drinks can. Although all of these things are lost during sweating, they can also be lost through urination. Water causes more frequent urination than sports drinks do. Therefore, sports drinks not only replenish these important electrolytes, carbohydrates, vitamins or minerals, they also can help the body hold on to the ones they already have for a longer period of time.
The main ingredient in any sports drink is, of course, water. Water is important for re-hydration. The additional ingredients in sports drinks make them a better choice than water alone for athletes and others who exert a lot of energy and need to replenish the essential nutrients that have been quickly depleted in their bodies.
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