Monday, December 13, 2010

Adapting to High-Heat and High-Intensity Workouts

An athlete must gradually adapt to high heat and humidity. When exposed to these conditions it is important to understand that "being thirsty" may not necessarily be the only sign that the young athlete's body is becoming dehydrated.

Have your body adapt to the weather conditions - The human body needs time to become acclimated to increased high temperatures and high humidity. This is even truer when it comes to the young athlete who is pushing his or her body to the limit to perform well.

Drinking fluid regularly - It is of utmost importance that drinking water before becoming thirsty is explained and implemented with young athletes. Parents and coaches should be encourage their children to drink before, during and after practice and games

Know the signs of dehydration - A young athlete that becomes fatigued or dizzy, and feels nauseous during exercise in high heat and humidity should be immediately told to stop rest and drink a sports drink like Vitalyte or water.

Make sure you have plenty of the PROPER fluids - There are many different brands of sports drinks available on the market today. Make sure you purchase the best one that will replace minerals, oxygen saturation and electrolytes to keep the young athletes safe and performing at their best. One recommendation is a popular sports drink called Vitalyte.

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