Thursday, April 22, 2010

Signs You May be Dehydrated

Dehydration can be defined as the condition in which the body experiences excessive loss of water. Usually experienced in the summer time, the most probable causes of dehydration include vomiting, diarrhea, blood loss and malnutrition. Apart from that, you can also get dehydrated if you do not drink enough fluids to replenish the water lost due to sweating and urination.

The Causes of Dehydration

There are many things that can cause dehydration, the most common are vomiting, diarrhea, blood loss, malnutrition, and plain old failure to replenish liquids lost from sweating and urination (Not drinking enough water). Many illnesses and diseases can trigger acute dehydration due to the increased body temperature and sweating that usually occur.

Abnormal connections that are between parts of the intestinal tract (fistula) may also lead to fluid depletion. A decrease in oral liquid intake may be due to nausea or loss of appetite; this may be worsened by an inability to keep things down (vomiting).

Vomiting and or diarrhea are other important causes. The vomiting might be due to the flu or any disease process therefore precautions must be taken when a loved one, again especially a child, is ill and is vomiting and or has diarrhea.

Symptoms of Dehydration

Parents often worry about dehydration when their children get sick and have diarrhea and vomiting. Fortunately, it is usually possible to avoid serious complications of dehydration by recognizing the early signs and symptoms of dehydration and getting quick medical attention.

Recognizing dehydration symptoms starts with an understanding of dehydration. Victims of dehydration do not have enough fluid (water) in their bodies to get nutrition and oxygen to the tissues of their bodies.

Mild dehydration - even if there is a relatively low level of fluid loss (causing a 1-2% loss of body weight) mild dehydration can cause the body to work less efficiently . However, mild dehydration carries few risks and can usually be easily treated by replacing lost fluids.

Dehydration Affects You and Your Child:

How it affects you: Being well-hydrated is important to your physical and mental health. Dehydration makes a person tired, cranky, and stiff-jointed. Being dehydrated can bring on headaches, nausea, aches and cramps -- and other, more serious physical ailments.

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